If you do not receive the pop-up letting you know that your documents have been uploaded successfully, you may need to perform the upload again via the following steps:

  1. Go to “Services”, select “Mortgage Insurance” and then select “Essent”.
  2. In Essent’s main MI Ordering screen in Encompass:
    1. Select the "Check Status/View Results" tab.
    2. Click the "Direct Document Upload" button.
    3. Select the applicable checkbox in the "Upload Documents for" section.
    4. Unselect the "Don't Wait to Upload" checkbox.
    5. Click the plus sign (+) button to reselect your documents.
      1. Select either "Browse from Computer" OR "Browse from Encompass eFolder" radio button.
    6. Once you have re-selected your documents, click "Continue".
  3. On Essent's Document Upload Management screen, click the "Send To Essent" button.
  4. Wait to ensure you receive the "File Uploaded Successfully pop-up message.
  5. When you receive this pop-up, your files have successfully been sent to Essent!